General Terms and Conditions Storage Agreement.

Article 1. Scope and definition

These general terms and conditions of storage are applicable to all Self Storage agreements between Boxed Self-Storage C.V., a limited partnership with its seat at Gustav Mahlerlaan 1025, 1082 MK Amsterdam, the Netherlands, registered with the Dutch Chamber of Commerce under number 92825095, hereinafter called ‘Shelfie‘, on the one hand, and parties using storage space/units (or any other Shelfie storage product or service e.g. parking, lockers, etc.), hereinafter called ‘the Customer’ on the other hand. The used or rented storage space, product, or service is called ‘the Storage Unit’, the Shelfie storage facility in which the Storage Unit is located is called the Shelfie Store’ and the Self-Storage agreement including these General Terms and Conditions is hereinafter called ‘the Agreement’. All goods which are stored or placed anywhere in the Shelfie storage facility (including the storage unit) are referred to as ‘the Goods’.

The Agreement is not subject to the provisions of the Act of 30 April 1951 on Commercial Leases, nor to the provisions of Articles 1915 et seq. of the Civil Code.

 Article 2. Purpose and use

2.1 Shelfie grants Customer a right to occupy and use the Storage Unit in accordance with the terms of the Agreement for the sole purpose of storing permitted Goods. Customer may not use the Storage Unit for another purpose. The Customer is granted a licence to use the Storage Unit (subject to the terms and conditions which follow) and nothing in this Agreement or in the relationship of Shelfie and the Customer shall be taken as creating a tenancy or the relationship of landlord and tenant. The Customer hereby acknowledges and expressly agrees that nothing in the Agreement shall be construed so as to create any legal or proprietary interest in the Storage Unit. Shelfie shall not for any purpose whatsoever act as a warehouse keeper, guardian or custodian of the Storage Unit or of the Goods. By entering into the Agreement, Customer warrants having sole legal and beneficial title to the Goods and accepts any and all liability in connection with the Goods. The Customer indemnifies and will hold Shelfie harmless against any claim or cost or any action or proceeding in connection with the Goods from any third party, including disputes in connection with the ownership or rights to possession.

2.2 Customer will use and maintain the Storage Unit with due care and in accordance with the permitted use and the Agreement. The Storage Unit must be kept locked and clean at all times. Customer is responsible for the clearing and removal of any dirt and waste in the Storage Unit. Customer is not allowed to dispose of waste or Goods (or any part of the Goods) in- or outside the Storage Unit under penalty of a fine of at least 30 EUR per m³ to reimburse the (waste) disposal costs.

2.3 Trolleys are available for the convenience of our customers. After having used a trolley, the trolley must be returned to the trolley bay undamaged. Failure to do so will result in a penalty of 200 EUR billed on the customer’s account.

2.4 Customer confirms, having visited, inspected and accepted the Storage Unit in good condition, that it conforms with the legal and agreed use which the Customer expects to make of it. The Customer understands and accepts the safety and security level and regulations. With regard to the legal and agreed purpose and use / safety and security expectations, Shelfie explicitly provides no warranties and accepts no liability whatsoever.

2.5 Customer accepts that all indications of Storage Unit sizes are estimates and an average of a larger number of Storage Units. Any deviation between the actual size of a Storage Unit and the indicated size in the Agreement gives neither party any right or an entitlement to a price adjustment.

2.6 Customer will comply with the provisions of this Agreement, the law and local regulations and the instructions of the local and national authorities, the utility companies and insurers.

2.7 Customer acknowledges and accepts full responsibility and liability for all acts of persons who have access to the Storage Unit or use the access code of the Customer and references to ‘Customer’ in these terms shall be treated as references to any such persons.

2.8 Customer is bound to use the Storage Unit in such a way that no damage to the environment or any disturbance to other users (e.g. noise by radios or equipment, dust, smell, leakages) in any form can originate or can reasonably be expected to originate and is bound to take sufficient precautionary measures to prevent any such environmental damage or nuisance.

 2.9 The following are not permitted by the Customer:

  • the Storage Unit may not be used as a workplace,

  • no commercial activity may be exercised from the Storage Unit,

  • the Storage Unit may not be used as a registered office or seat of a company,

  • the Storage Unit may not be used for any illegal, criminal, tax evasion or immoral activities,

  • electrical appliances or other utilities / services may not be connected in the Storage Unit and

  • the Customer is prohibited from carrying out works or improvements of any kind or nature in the Storage Unit, namely installing fixed objects of any kind in or on the Storage Unit, on its walls or floor.

2.10 Customer is strictly forbidden from storing the following goods in the Storage Unit (this list is not exhaustive):

  • jewels, fur, art objects, collection pieces or irreplaceable objects, objects with an emotional or special value,

  • cash money, securities, stocks or shares,

  • any item which emits any fumes, smell or odour,

  • birds, fish, animals or any other living creatures,

  • refuse and other waste materials (including animal and toxic/hazardous waste materials),

  • food and other perishable goods (subject to decay) unless securely packed so that they are protected and do not attract vermin or cause any other form of nuisance,

  • firearms, explosives, weapons or ammunition,

  • any illegal substances such as drugs, illegal items or goods illegally obtained such as smuggled or stolen goods, etc.

  • chemicals, radioactive materials, biological agents,

  • asbestos and/or processed asbestos,

  • (artificial) fertilizer,

  • gas bottles or any other compressed gases and/or batteries,

  • fireworks,

  • car and/or motorcycle parts,

  • combustible or flammable materials or liquids including diesel and petrol;

  • any other toxic, flammable or hazardous substances or preparations that are classified as such under any applicable law or local regulations such as:

  • explosive substances and preparations such as spray cans including air fresheners,

  • hair lacquer, car paint, varnish and car windscreen defroster;

  • sprays and (liquid) gases such as LPG, hydrogen, acetylene, propane gas and butane;

  • oxidising substances and preparations such as hydrogen and other

  • peroxides, chlorates, strong saltpetre and perichloric acids;

  • (highly) flammable substances and preparations such as petroleum,

  • benzene, burning alcohol or methyl alcohol, turpentine, white spirit,

  • acetone, paint, windscreen defroster, air-freshener, close-contact adhesive and neoprene adhesive;

  • (highly) toxic substances and preparations such as methyl alcohol, stain removers, pesticides and herbicides;

  • harmful substances and preparations such as cleaning products, paint thinners, wood preservation products, paint removers;

  • caustic substances and preparations such as unblocking agents for pipes, decalcifying products, caustic soda, strong acids, caustic products such as oven and toilet cleaners;

  • irritants and preparations;

  • sensitizing substances and preparations;

  • carcinogenic substances and preparations;

  • mutagenic substances and preparations;

  • substances and preparations toxic to reproduction;

  • substances and preparations that are dangerous to the environment such as CFCs, PCBs and PCTs; pesticides and heavy metals such as mercury in thermometers, cadmium and zinc from batteries, lead and copper.

2.11 The Customer guarantees that the Goods are his/her property or that Customer has these Goods in his/her legal possession, can dispose of them and that he/she is authorized to conclude the Agreement, of which these General Terms and Conditions form part. The Customer guarantees that the Goods are not contrary to public order and morality or could bring Shelfie into disrepute in any respect.

2.12 If the Customer acts in violation of articles 2.8 and/or 2.9, Customer shall indemnify Shelfie for any damage Shelfie may suffer as a result and the Customer may be exposed to criminal prosecution. Please note that Shelfie will not inspect or verify the Goods and their compliance with the terms of this Agreement.

2.13 In the event that Customer is suspected of being in violation of this Agreement, in particular the clause 2 hereof, Shelfie has the right but not the obligation to notify the competent authorities and allow these to access the Storage Unit for verification purposes all at the Customers’ expense. Shelfie may, but is not obliged, to notify the Customer hereof.

Article 3. Term of the Storage Agreement

Unless otherwise agreed under the special conditions, a Storage Agreement is concluded for an initial minimum period of 1 month. After this initial minimum 1 month period, the contract will continue for an indefinite period and can be cancelled any time in writing by either party at will, by giving a minimum written notice of 30 days.

Article 4. Storage charges and late payment

4.1 All storage charges and fees will be invoiced per calendar month together with any VAT payable (where applicable) unless otherwise agreed. Upon entering into the Agreement, the Customer must pay the first invoice comprising all storage charges, service fees and costs related to the 1st month of storage.

4.2 The storage charge (excluding any applicable taxes) will remain unchanged for the first six (6) months of the Agreement. After that period, Shelfie reserves the right to periodically review the charges and fees. Reviewed charges and fees are applicable 30 days after written notice is provided by Shelfie. At the moment the Agreement is entered into, Shelfie can request Customer to also pay a deposit at least equivalent to one month’s rental charge as a guarantee for correct compliance with the Agreement. Shelfie may recover all unpaid charges, fees and costs resulting from non-compliance from the deposit sum without being obliged to do so. If Shelfie considers it necessary to draw upon the deposit, the Customer must then immediately supplement the deposit to the sum for which it was originally provided. No interest is paid on any deposit paid.

4.3 Customer undertakes to pay the monthly charges and fees in advance, before the first day of each month.

4.4 Customer acknowledges and agrees that in the event of contract modification or contract cancellation prior to move-in, Customer will owe to Shelfie an amount equal to the due storage charges and fees for the initial minimum period of 1 month.

4.5 Shelfie may, at its own discretion, proceed with the paper or electronic invoicing of the monthly storage charges and fees (using the email address specified by the Customer in case of electronic invoicing). If Customer insists on getting paper invoices through the Post, Shelfie will charge a monthly fee for this service provided. In addition, Customer accepts e-mail as a proper and sufficient method of communication between the Customer and Shelfie, for all purposes.

4.6 If the payment of the monthly storage charge and fees is not received in full on the due date, Shelfie may deny Customer access to the Storage Unit until such time that the total outstanding balance is settled. Shelfie may also charge an administrative fee of 20 EUR after the 1st reminder notice and an administrative fee of 50 EUR after each subsequent reminder notice.

4.7 If any storage charge or fee due under this Agreement is not paid within 30 days of the due date Shelfie will be entitled to the following additional rights:

(a)    to remotely reset electronic lock on the Storage Unit and restrict access of the Customer,

(b)    to remove the Goods from the Storage Unit to such alternative storage facilities as Shelfie may decide without incurring any liability for loss or damage arising by virtue of such removal,

(c)    to charge the Customer the full costs of removal of the Goods from the Storage Unit and storage costs elsewhere together with any repeated cost thereof should Shelfie require that the Goods be moved at any time thereafter,

(d)    to terminate the Customer’s right to use a Storage Unit and to charge in the meantime a monthly occupancy fee for an amount equal to the monthly storage charge and to treat the Goods as abandoned.

4.8 If any storage charge or fee due under this Agreement is not paid within 90 days of the due date Shelfie will furthermore be entitled to sell, destroy or otherwise dispose of such Goods. The proceeds of any sale in accordance with clause 4.8 may be retained by Shelfie and applied to discharge any expenses incurred by Shelfie in exercising Shelfie’s rights under this clause and any further sums owing to Shelfie under this Agreement. The balance of the proceeds will then be refunded to the Customer (or to a relevant insolvency practitioner in the case of the insolvency of the Customer); to the extent that the Customer cannot be located or fails to collect the balance of the proceeds such proceeds will be held on behalf of the Customer by Shelfie. Nothing in this clause shall prejudice Shelfie’s entitlement to payment of storage charges or any other sums due to Shelfie hereunder whether or not Shelfie has chosen to exercise any or all of its rights as set out above.

4.9 Customer agrees that all the Goods in the Storage Unit shall be security for Shelfie’s entitlement to payment of the storage charges, fees and any other sums due to Shelfie, to the effect that access to the Goods in the Storage Unit may be denied until such time as full payment is obtained. Customer also accepts that this security may lead to a loss of the ownership of the Goods in the Storage Unit.

Article 5. Safety Notices

5.1 Entering and leaving the storage facility

Customers are provided with a personal access code to the Shelfie Store, which code needs to be used every time the Customer wants to access the Storage Unit. Shelfie does not permit the following of another customer / vehicle inside or outside the storage facility without having entered the personal access code. The Customer needs to assure that the doors and the gates are closed after entering or leaving. An access code is strictly personal and may under no circumstances be used by third parties. In the event that a Customer wants to give third parties access to the Storage Unit, Customer has to obtain specific access codes for that purpose. Customer is responsible for the third parties to whom additional access codes have been issued. Should a Customer forget the personal access code a new code can be obtained from the Shelfie App. Unless agreed otherwise, the Storage Unit is accessible to the Customer during the hours and days as indicated in the Customer’s booking summary or/and as advertised at the Shelfie website. Access outside these agreed hours is not allowed. Any move-in into new Storage Units can only happen during office hours. If Shelfie and Client agree that the Storage Unit is accessible outside of the advertised opening hours a monthly fee will be charged by Shelfie for this service provided. Shelfie is not responsible for any temporary technical failure, snow, hindrance, etc. preventing the Customer from entering and leaving of the Shelfie Store, the Storage Unit and the use of an elevator.

5.2 Customer access to the Storage Unit

Each Storage unit is secured with a purpose-built electronic locking system controlled by PIN code or via the App.  Shelfie does not have access codes to Customers Storage Units, but in case of articles 4.6, 4.7 11.1, 11.2 and 11.3 Shelfie has the right to remotely release the electronic lock or reset the access code. A Customer is solely responsible for the correct closing of the Storage unit. Fitting a padlock is not allowed.

5.3 Emergency / Fire Procedure

Each Customer is responsible for familiarizing themselves with the Emergency,

Safety and Fire and Escape routes and procedures. Emergency exits are situated throughout the building and are clearly marked. A Customer may never block these emergency exits with Goods and must leave them clear at all times. The Customer may only use the emergency exits in the event of situations needing emergency evacuation such as fire or power loss. In the event of abuse, Shelfie will recover from the abusing Customer all costs involved.

5.4 Inside the Storage Facility

Smoking is strictly prohibited anywhere on the storage facility. The use of trolley’s, elevators or any equipment provided by Shelfie shall always be for the sole risk of the Customer. Customer needs to assure that none of these are operated or occupied by children. Children may not be left unattended anywhere in the storage facility. The Customer may not store Goods to the effect that the maximum load capacity of the floor is exceeded. The Customer is responsible to ascertain compliance herewith and needs to discuss the maximum load capacity with Shelfie representative. Goods in the Storage unit must always be stacked in a safe way, without exercising pressure on the walls. Shelfie is not responsible and declines any liability for injury or damage caused by or to the Goods. Shelfie shall be under no obligation to receive Goods for a Customer.

Article 6. Storage Unit and availability of the Storage Unit

6.1 At the later of (i) the start of the Agreement and (ii) the actual move-in date, the Storage Unit is provided by Shelfie and accepted by the Customer, in a good state without defects and clean.

6.2 Shelfie always has the right, at no extra charge to the Customer, to provide the Customer a different Storage Unit of a similar or bigger size.

6.3 If no Storage Unit of the agreed size is available on the agreed move-in date, Shelfie has the option (i) to provide the Customer with another Storage Unit, which meets the Customers’ requirements or (ii) suspend the Agreement until a Storage unit of the agreed size becomes available. In the latter event the Customer’s obligations by virtue of the storage agreement are suspended until the Storage Unit is made available to him and the Customer owes no charges up to the date on which a Storage Unit can be made available. In addition, as the sole remedy to the Customer, the Customer has the right to terminate the Agreement against full refund of the storage charges and fees paid. Shelfie is not liable for damage occurring to the Customer as a result of any delay in availability.

6.4 The Customer shall not be entitled to exclusive possession of any Storage Unit. Shelfie shall be entitled at any time to specify an alternative Storage Unit and may, subject to providing the Customer with at least 14 days advance notice require that the Customer move the Goods to such alternative Storage Unit.

Article 7. Prohibition of sharing and assignment

7.1 The Customer may not share the Storage Unit in full or in part.

7.2 The benefit of this Agreement is personal and Customer shall not be capable of assignment to any third party without the prior written approval of Shelfie. The right to occupy the Storage Unit can only be exercised by the Customer.

Article 8. Liability and exclusion of liability

8.1 The storage of the Goods in the Storage Unit is and remains always at the sole risk of the Customer. Shelfie shall not be liable for any damage to the Goods whatsoever nor shall Shelfie be liable for any property damage or for any economic loss of the Customer. Shelfie provides no warranty to the Customer with regard to supervision of the storage facility or the Storage Unit or with regard to the security of the storage facility. Shelfie shall take no step to check the Goods, verify that the Goods are suitable for storage in a Storage Unit or ensure that the Goods comply with relevant regulations or the terms and restrictions of this Agreement and Shelfie accepts no liability for any loss suffered by the Customer in the event that the storage of the Goods in the Storage Unit is inappropriate, unsafe or illegal.

8.2 Shelfie will always permit inspections or controls by the local, regulatory or criminal justice bodies or authorities in or on the Storage Unit when requested to do so and will not inform the Customer nor verify the rights of inspection. Shelfie shall not be liable for the consequences of any such inspection or control including (without limitation) any damage to the Goods and/or locks and fittings. The Customer is liable at all times with respect to Shelfie for any damage Shelfie could suffer as a result of these controls and inspections.

8.3 Customer shall indemnify Shelfie on a continuing basis against costs, claims, liabilities, damages or expenses which Shelfie suffers or incurs in connection with the use by the Customer of the Storage Unit including without limit any claims made by any third party or authority in connection with the misuse of a Storage Unit by the Customer.

8.4 Shelfie is not liable for indirect (or consequential) losses of the Customer including lost bargain, lost profit, lost opportunity, loss of anticipated savings or lost reputation or for any damage as a result of the activities of other Customers or of hindrances in the use of the Storage Unit caused by third parties.

8.5 Nothing is this agreement shall limit or exclude Shelfie’s liability for death or personal injury arising as a result of Shelfie’s negligence. For the remainder, Shelfie’s liability will always be limited to the charges and fees payable by Customer under this Agreement.

8.6 The Customer agrees that given:

(a)    the availability of insurance to protect the value of the Goods,

(b)    the fact that Shelfie has taken no steps to verify the Customer’s usage of the Storage Unit,

(c)    the fact that Shelfie has no means of evaluating the Customer’s risk, and

(d)    the potentially large difference between the charges and fees paid by Customer to Shelfie and the damage which the Customer may suffer,

the exclusions and limitations of liability in this article 8 are fair and reasonable.

Article 9. Duty to insure

During the entire term of the Agreement the Customer must subscribe an all-risks insurance policy through Shelfie. Customer will always hold Shelfie, Shelfie’s insurers and co-contractors harmless and indemnified from any claims by the Customer’s insurers for recourse against Shelfie.

Article 10. Maintenance and repairs

10.1 Shelfie may proceed at all times onto or into the Storage Unit to carry out (have carried out) activities and investigations for the purposes of maintenance, repair, redevelopment, repartitioning and renewal, including the installation of extra facilities.

10.2 Renovation and/or maintenance activities on the Storage Unit by Shelfie do not constitute any default by Shelfie, even if such renovation and/or the maintenance activities (temporarily) prevent or limit the use of the Storage Unit or entail access to the Shelfie Unit by Shelfie. The Customer must permit Shelfie the opportunity to carry out maintenance activities and the renovation on the Storage Unit and the Customer shall not be entitled to a reduced rental cost, the reduction of other payment obligations, the whole or partial dissolution of the agreement and/or any entitlement to damages as a result of such maintenance activities or renovation.

10.3 Customer will take all necessary measures to prevent causing damage to the Storage Unit and to the property of third parties. In the event of damage to any third party or Shelfie property, Shelfie is at all times entitled to conduct repairs at the expense of Customer. Customer agrees to the payment of any invoices for such repairs within seven (7) days of Shelfie sending such invoice.

10.4 In the event that Shelfie needs access to the Storage Unit for the purposes stated above, which requires access or vacation of a Storage Unit, Shelfie will, if time and the urgency permits, inform the Customer hereof and will request the Customer to move the Goods to another Storage Unit within a reasonable period of time. Failure to do so entitles Shelfie to access the Storage Unit and move the Goods in the Storage Unit by itself to another Storage Unit with due care but at the risk of the Customer.

Article 11. Shelfie and third-party access

11.1 In the event of an emergency, Shelfie and its employees are entitled to enter the Storage Unit (without permission and warning to the Customer), if necessary, also by means of forced entry. The emergencies include any maintenance, repairs and renewal and any sudden occurrence of any situation necessitating urgent entry. 

11.2 Furthermore, in the event that any local, national, regulatory or criminal justice body or authority requires access to any Storage Unit, Shelfie shall be entitled to grant itself and these authorities, at any moment, access to the Storage Unit.

11.3 Shelfie and its employees also have the right to reset the access code, enter the Storage Unit without permission and deny Customer access to the Storage Unit in the event that the Customer fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement or if Shelfie suspects that the Customer is not complying herewith. In particular, Shelfie has the right to deny Customer access to the Storage Unit and enter the Storage Unit in the event of late or non-payment of charges and fees due. 

11.4 After entering the Storage Unit in accordance with this article 11, Shelfie has the right (but not an obligation) to make an inventory of the Goods.

11.5 Shelfie is under no obligation to verify the access rights of any person to a Storage Unit, including those of any local, national, regulatory or criminal justice body or authority. Shelfie accepts no liability for providing access to the Storage Unit to third parties.

Article 12. Non-compliance with the Agreement and Termination

12.1   In the event that the Customer:

(a)    does not comply with any obligation imposed under law, local or national regulations or customs; or

(b)    fails to comply with the terms of this Agreement (including any failure to make payment of charges and fees due); or

(c)    is subject to any Insolvency Event (as set out in Article 12.2),

then Shelfie has the right to terminate the Agreement at any time without notice and without prejudice to any of its rights and remedies and shall be entitled to payment of all losses, charges, fees and all other sums due hereunder.

12.2 The ‘Insolvency Events’ referred to in clause 12.1 are as follows:

(a)    in relation to a company or corporate entity, that entity:

(i) being unable to pay its debts or having no reasonable prospect of being able to pay them;

(ii) entering into liquidation;

(iii) passing a resolution for a creditors winding up;

(iv) entering into a composition in satisfaction of its debts or a scheme of arrangement with its creditors;

(v) suffering an application for an administration order in respect of it; or

(vi) suffering the appointment of an administrator, receiver or administrative receiver;

(vii) suffering any event or circumstance in any jurisdiction similar to those set out in article 12.2 (a) (i) – (vi) inclusive.

(b)    in relation to a natural person, that person:

(i) being unable to pay his debts or having no reasonable prospect of being able to pay them;

(ii) having a bankruptcy petition presented against him;

(iii) entering into a composition in satisfaction of his debts or a scheme of arrangement of his affairs;

(iv) suffering the appointment of a receiver or interim receiver;

(v) suffering any event or circumstance in any jurisdiction similar to those set out in article 12.2 (b) (i) – (iv) inclusive

12.3 In the event of termination of this Agreement the Customer will be informed and must collect the Goods within 14 days of such notification. If the Customer fails to collect the Goods then Shelfie may exercise any of the rights set out in article 4.8 including the right to sell or dispose of the Goods.

12.4 The Customer shall reimburse to Shelfie all actually incurred costs of Shelfie in connection with debt collection and enforcement of the Agreement, with a minimum of 200 EUR for amounts up to 800 EUR to be increased with 80 EUR for each multiple of 400 EUR over and above 800 EUR.

Article 13. End of the Agreement

13.1 At the end of the Agreement, Customer must return the Storage Unit to Shelfie clean, tidy and in the same condition as at the commencement date of the Agreement (normal wear and tear is taken into account) and, if in default thereof, shall reimburse Shelfie the costs expended by Shelfie in making good any damage caused by Customer.

13.2 Customer must remove all Goods in the Storage Unit.

13.3 All Goods left behind by the Customer after the ending of the Agreement will be considered as either transferred by the Customer to Shelfie or abandoned by the Customer (res derelicta) as decided by Shelfie. The goods and items will be removed at the expense of the Customer (with a minimum of 50 EUR/m3). Customer remains fully liable for all costs and damage resulting from leaving the Goods. Shelfie is hereby granted full authority by Customer to sell Customer’s Goods.

Article 14. Notices, change of address

14.1 From the start date of the Agreement, Shelfie may, at its own discretion, issue any notice or communication to the Customer either by post (at the address indicated in the Agreement) or by email or other electronic means (at the email or other electronic address provided by the Customer).

14.2 The Customer must inform Shelfie in writing of a change of its postal or electronic address and telephone number prior to any such change taking effect, and update their details in Customer’s online account or App.

Article 15. Privacy

15.1 Shelfie processes Customer's personal data in accordance with applicable privacy laws.

15.2 Customer has the right to inspect Customers’ data in Shelfie’s data files, and may request the correction of the information.

15.3 The Customers data will be used for customer administration, communication, market studies and for (paper and/or electronic) personalized information and/or promotional campaigns concerning Shelfie’s products and/or services.

15.4 To optimise the service to Shelfie’s customers, telephone conversations between Shelfie and its customers may be recorded.

Article 16. Applicable law and competent court 

16.1 The Courts where the Storage Unit is established have jurisdiction to settle any disputes that may arise out of or in connection with this Agreement, without prejudice to the right of Shelfie to bring suit at another Court which has jurisdiction under the applicable law.

16.2 The laws of the country or area where the Storage Unit is located are exclusively applicable to this agreement.

Article 17. General

17.1 If a part of the Agreement is null and void or subject to annulment, the validity of all and any other part of the Agreement remains unaffected. Any void or annulled clause will be replaced by a valid clause that will most closely correspond to the clause previously agreed by the parties before the parties became aware of such nullity or nullification.

17.2 Customer understands and accepts these general terms and conditions of storage and the Customer accepts that these terms are available to the Customer in an on-line manner on Shelfie’s website. Shelfie has the right to modify these general terms and conditions of storage (Customer will be informed on any changes before implementation via mail, email or the Shelfie website). Modified general terms and conditions are applicable 30 days after notice is received from Shelfie or website posted. Customer is considered to be in agreement with any such changes if the Customer has not informed Shelfie in writing within the stated 30 days period. In the event of a proposed change to the general terms and conditions, Customer is entitled to end the Agreement as of the commencement date of the amended general terms and conditions (taking however into account a minimum notice period of 30 days).

17.3 Where two or more customers constitute the Customer, all obligations shall be joint and several.